Easily Prescribe with Form-16

How to Prescribe the Mindable Apps

Step 1

Search for “Mindable” or PZN (see Step 2) in the practice management system (PVS)

Step 2

Print the prescription (Form 16) or label it as follows:

Digitale Gesundheitsanwendung

PZN 17454202

Mindable: Panik & Agoraphobie

Digitale Gesundheitsanwendung

PZN 19166938

Mindable: Soziale Phobie

Verordnung Muster16

Digitale Gesundheitsanwendung

PZN 19166938

Mindable: Soziale Phobie

Verordnung Muster16

Don’t Want to Deal with Complicated PVS?

Order our pre-filled prescription pad here

Step 3

Your patient submits the prescription to the health insurance or through our Prescription Service and receives a 16-digit access code within a few days. The app can then be used for 90 days.